Our current projects

Baseline study

Nordenham Metall has commissioned a baseline study in cooperation with the state of Lower Saxony and district of Wesermarsch. Over a period of about 12 months, it is closely monitoring the condition of the soil, air and water in the vicinity of the plant.

The study will contribute to the  mapping of the environmental situation in the vicinity of the plant, the evaluation of contaminated sites and therefore to the implementation of even better environmental protection measures in the future.

Investments for the environment

Working to reduce our environmental impact is important to Nordenham Metall. Projects to modify the facility in order to reduce our environmental impact are carried out an ongoing basis. For example:

  • Enclosing dusty equipment and conveyors
  • Optimising humidification equipment
  • Extending sweeping areas and sweeping times
  • Testing to reduce dust precipitation on highly exposed roads outside the plant
  • Testing a tyre washing system for vehicles leaving the factory
  • Enclosing materials handling and storage areas

By 2026, an additional EUR 13.5 million will be invested in environmental projects. The measures to be implemented to minimise emissions include:

  • Constructing a new belt conveyor to dispense  with lorry transportation
  • Constructing transfer locks for the transportation of materials by lorry
  • Enclosing open crane runways
  • Reinforcing handling areas
  • Creating storage space for materials