Glencore Nordenham in figures
80%of the trainees are taken on after their training
6.860hours per year for training our employees
Your career starts here!
Welcome to the career section of Glencore Nordenham! We appreciate your interest and hope to welcome you soon.
Nordenham Zinc Smelter is the only zinc smelter in Germany and is economically successful. Nordenham Metall GmbH is an important metal recycling company in Europe with a focus on lead. Together, we are Glencore Nordenham.
Working for us means working in a family environment in an inclusive enviornment and a truly traditional company. We attach great importance to an appropriate work-life balance and offer fair compensation with collectively agreed working hours.
As a subsidiary of Glencore, we have the power of an international company - and yet we have deep regional roots.
Find out more about the various opportunities with us here.
Apprenticeship/dual study
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Your contact
If you have any further questions about a career at Glencore Nordenham, our recruiter René Büsing will be happy to help you on +49 4731 368-743. -