We are aware that our activities can have an impact on society and the environment. We take our responsibility in the areas of environmental protection, human rights and safety at work very seriously.

  • Safety

    We aim to create a workplace free from fatalities and serious injuries.
  • Environment

    We take our responsibility to the environment seriously, and we work to improve our environmental performance
  • Health

    We strive to promote the health and well-being of our employees and the communities around our operations.
  • Community and human rights

    We are committed to respecting human rights, and we seek to foster socio-economic resilient communities, where possible.

As a Nordenham company, we have been closely connected with our region for more than 115 years. Our commitment to local communities is very close to our hearts. That is why we would like to make it possible again in the near future to support local projects and institutions such as the Nordenhamer Tafel, the children’s and youth farm and sports and cultural clubs.

As a proud member of the Glencore Group, we follow the company’s internal “SafeWork” approach. The SafeWork initiative aims to change attitudes towards safety throughout the organisation. With SafeWork, we want to bring about lasting change and thereby prevent serious injuries and fatalities in the workplace. For more information on SafeWork, please visit global Glencore page (ENG).

Protecting the environment is important for Glencore Nordenham. For instance, we recycle used batteries and can therefore recover lead and other important raw materials. By recycling metals, we contribute to the circular economy, diverting materials from landfill and helping to reduce environmental impacts.

We regularly support the Nordenham Nature Conservation Association's tern project at Seenpark II and the Nordenham Nature Conservation Association. We have created compensation areas for our landfills that are monitored by the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU).

To fulfil our responsibilities towards our employees and the local community, we contribute to projects that aim to improve environmental protection on an ongoing basis. 

You can find an overview of the current projects here.

Milestones for more environmental protection and sustainability

Bath melting furnace
(since 1996)
Reduction in dust and gaseous emissions
Modification contract system II
(since 2007/2008)
Reduction of emissions
Cooling Tower installation
(since 2012)
Reduction of seawater
SO2-fan installation
(since 2016)
Reduce power consumption
Cryogenic oxygen generation plant
(since 2018)
successful partnership with Linde
Recycling oil injection plant
(since 2019)
consumption of fossil natural gas reduced
Orcan plant
(since 2020)
Utilization of waste heat for storm generation